A design icon for engineering prowess

Like us, tor&co is an innovative and lateral thinking organisation that is dedicated to winning and to achieving results of the highest quality. We are particularly demanding clients, wanting the best from all of our advisors, and their record of success speaks for itself.
Tim Murnane, McLaren Group Legal & Company Secretary
McLaren Group Ltd
Environmental Planning
Landscape Architecture
Urban Design
tor&co has partnered with the McLaren Group on projects for over 30 years, helping to lay the groundwork for a campus that has become a global symbol of design and engineering excellence, one that inspires employees and visitors equally.
With a long association with the Woking area, McLaren needed a place where their various business units could come together, co-locating in order to build a world class team and continue to make a significant contribution to the local economy.
We needed to make a strong case to justify turning the 150-acre agricultural site, situated in the green belt, into a cohesive and intuitive place where the business could grow in harmony with its surroundings. Masterplanning and concept design drawings made a convincing case for permission as did the plan to restore contaminated land and turn it into a community space.
The campus’ landscape is pristine, presenting a place of beauty and calm in a high-octane world, while the biodiversity of the surrounding park creates an environmental asset to be enjoyed by the local community.
In the time we have worked for McLaren, the group has grown from 250 to 3,500 employees, becoming a much-admired business in Woking and around the world. We are exceedingly proud of the part we have had to play.
We continue to support McLaren on their ongoing journey and look forward to the exciting times ahead.