My role in the company has continued to evolve over the years, during which time I’ve worked repeatedly with many of our clients and colleagues, and whilst I have worked on some fantastic projects I have also made many friends and gained trusted advisors in life, work and business.
Jacqueline Mulliner
Jacqueline became Managing Director on 1 April 2020, having served as a Board Director since 2012. She has helped to shape the company and its interdisciplinary team, supporting its award winning success.
Since joining the practice as a town planner in 1993, Jacqueline has worked on a wide variety of projects within the development sector, for a range of both private and public sector clients. She remains heavily involved in the project work of the company at a strategic level and is currently leading several of tor&co’s major projects. She continues to participate in local plan examinations and provides expert witness at planning inquiries and hearings.
Jacqueline's Projects

tor&co has been advising Blenheim Strategic Partnerships since 2010. Woodstock is a rural service centre, and historic town adjacent to the Blenheim Palace World Heritage Site. Initially we advised and pursued a strategy to achieve three residential allocations, promoting all through examination. Having secured these, we progressed three planning applications with EIA; Park View is already being delivered. In addition, we are working on an extension to Park View, supported by a further draft allocation. In total the schemes will deliver over 1,200 homes with significant areas of landscaped space and biodiversity gain.
The project has been immensely satisfying. Working with BSP, its professionalism, commitment to quality and legacy is an absolute joy, whilst unlocking sites in such an historic area has tested the skill set of our inter-disciplinary team, particularly heritage and landscape, using our approach to the full.

Hedge End
Over the last 10 years, tor&co has successfully promoted numerous sites for Gleeson Strategic Land, advising on planning strategy and securing allocations and permissions both through positive local decisions and appeals, including 680 homes in Eastleigh District won on appeal and involving the full tor team to address settlement gap issues, and most recently 200 homes won on appeal in the Green Belt at Billericay. Malmesbury has been particularly interesting, spanning all 10 years and challenging the neighbourhood plan and land supply. It is a great demonstration of how timing is everything. Of the three phases (none allocated), one was granted locally whilst the other two won on appeal.
The Gleeson team are knowledgeable and fun to work with and I have been pleased to assist in the delivery of homes in such sustainable locations, where house prices are particularly high.

Three Fordingbridge sites for Pennyfarthing Homes will deliver over 800 homes, the first 64 of which are being delivered. The schemes presented our entire team with challenges over the relationship with the adjacent New Forest National Park, landscape and heritage impacts, and accommodating drainage requirements whilst achieving a high quality and deliverable design. Our architects helped to modify standard house types into specials and working positively with the consultant team, we secured a significant uplift in the capacity of all of the sites whilst satisfying New Forest District regarding density, quality and spread of the development.
I have known my main client at Pennyfarthing Homes for almost my entire career and it is always a pleasure to work through the issues collectively and find solutions to the constant challenges facing the development industry in terms of planning policy and approach.